Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Snap a 'Tude

Well today was Day 1 of WKCE Testing (State standardized testing). I got pulled from my classes to proctor tests for my 8th grade homeroom. Yippie... sarcasm. On top of planning lessons for my classes that continue to go on during their electives time, I had to sit with my 16 homeroomers alllll day long. I'm beat! The kids did surprisingly well with following directions, not talking, behaving etc. We'll see how their scores are. Tomorrow is the day of 5 sections of standardized Math tests.

I have one homeroomer that has one heck of a cocky attitude. Today I asked him to pick up his trash on the floor, and he snapped his head at me and said, "Nu-uh. There ain't no garbage around my desk." So, I snapped a 'tude right back to him and said "Nu-huh!. Pick it Up." And he went on his merry way to pick it up. Pretty sure I wouldn't try the "snap-a-tude" strategy on most of my kids--but works for him!

Oh teenagers.

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