Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Tomorrow is my Friday

Well, tomorrow is our Friday at school. All staff and students have Thursday and Friday off as "designated P/T Conference Days." We had our conferences this past two weeks-- so free days for us! I'm glad. It's a much needed fall breather. But on my two days off I have to: Go to DMV and get replacement tabs, get new drivers license w/current address, get oil changed, get headlight changed in car, and get my hair cut. I should be going to the dentist too--but I never bothered to make an appointment. I'm also going to go shopping at the Outlet Mall in Albertivlle. It's the shopping mecca.

Thank god this week was a short one. I don't think I could have survived a long one. Last week I was surprised that I even made it though that week, after all of the student absences and my own from the previous week with my bout with h1n1. My kids drain me. They exhaust me. Then again, which kids don't?

I'm constantly feeling like I'm throwing things together at the last minute this year. It's probably because I am. I teach 4 different classes. None of which I teach the same material in. I have pretty much alll of my Algebra 1 class materials from last year---but I'm still scrambling to revise/fix some of the note guides and create new practice worksheets. my 6th, 7th, and 8th grade Math Foundations classes are the ones where I have to create from scratch. These kids are in Math Foundations AND their regular math class. Apparently some where a long the line someone had the brainy idea that for kids who don't achieve well in math, lets give them two math classes! Hmm. That leaves me to have to have ingeniously creative lesson plans that totally switches things up, approaches things at a different angle, allows for movement, hands on, fast paced and rigorous, but not overwhelming. Phew. I will say, the kids are responding much better to the way I'm running the class than I thought that they would. There have been 2 different teachers for MF in the past 2 years, both with different styles, so the kids were used to being lax in MF class.

I'll update more on my bubbly personalities in the classroom. Time for some shut eye!

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