Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Dusting off.

Wow. I went to start a new blog, and apparently I already had one created for that email address. So I guess I won't try to fix what's not broken, and continue with this one.

I'm on my prep right now. Some times I need to just chill on my prep. My 1st hour has 16 rammy, loud, vibrant personality kids, that I need a little breather after I finish the 47 minute class with them. So that's what I'm doing... reading other blogs, drinking a diet coke, and wishing my headache would go away.

Let's see, since I've posted last I have:
  • Moved into my house
  • Painted House
  • Decorated House
  • Worked 2 jobs and haven't relaxed in house that was painted and decorated
  • Worked every weekend from August 30-October 17.
  • Relaxed the weekend of October 23-25
  • Gotten into the routine of going to work every day again, but not the routine of waking up at 5:30am
  • Tried to do teach little muchkins the routines of this-is-your-new-math-foundations-teacher-and-I'm-going-to-run-it-different-than-your-old-one
I guess this was a short post. I'll try a new one later--I have some vents to get out :)

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