On another note, now I'm on to trying to find the best care for my newly purchased orchid from IKEA. The orchid is a phalaenopsis. This means nothing to me besides the fact that I read up online how I'm supposed to water it. Apparently you let it dry out and then submerge in water?
Any ideas on this? As soon as I get to the new house I'm going to purchase both orchid and hibiscus food since our northern MN weather doesn't exactly nurture these tropical plants and their preferred habitat. What the heck will I do when it comes to winter?!
I'm almost done packing and I went into major cleaning mode last night. It seems that 9pm is the best time for me to be the most productive. I stripped all the sheets and blankets and down comforter on my bed, took the pillow cases off, and WASHED my pillows in the washer. My mom threw them in the dryer this morning. They came out pretty darn clean! It probably helps that I used about 4x the recommended amount of bleach. Anyways, I went to grab them out of the shower, and they were soaking wet. As was the bottom of the dryer, with about a half of an inch of water in it. Two things rang through my mind: 1. Is an electrical appliance such as the dryer, supposed to have a big puddle of water on it and 2. How the heck do I get these to dry? So I hung them on the lines outside. Of course it started to rain. I'm just going to let them air dry and then maybe stick them in the dryer to fluff them up.
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